Car Frames

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In order to provide to our customers a full elevator set we construct, in our own facilities, custom made car frames.

Ideal for hydraulic elevators 2.1 or 1.1 suspension, HADI or HAI installations but also for mechanical cabin and counterweight elevators.

Designed to fulfill needs from 100 to 5.000 kg load, from 600mm to 1600mm distance between guides and suitable for any requirement of limited and last floor height due to customized production. It can meet special needs of 2200 mm or more for last floor and 200 mm or more for pit depth.

Its renovate construction, minimum spot welding and deliberate spacers allow the installers to correct possible deviance during the installation.

We use top quality materials with all of the necessary certificates and specifications in each and every stage of car frame’s construction and assembling.

The ABL car frame includes Teflon pulley, piston’s and buffer beam, suspension contact, bottom elevator wheels, PFB Italian instant braking safety gear or Montanari’s progressively braking safety gear for 0,72m/sec or 0,86 m/sec speed.

Optionally attended by polyurethane buffer, trial and wirerope cones.

It comes with compact secure packaging, easy to transfer with low cost.

We already successfully export our Car Frame in 7 Balkan countries